list 10 daily routine activities (10 p), list 10 things you do in the office every day (10 p), ask 5 questions about someone's daily routine (5 p), ask 5 questions about someone's work (5 p), list 5 types of meetings (5 p), say 10 facts about your company (10 p), say 5 things a good project manager should do (5 p), list 5 types of dishes (5 p), list 5 words related to the brain (5 p), list 5 symptoms of sleeping disorders (5 p), give 5 tips to someone who has sleeping disorder (5 p), Explain the following words. WEATHERPROOF , WIRELESS SENSOR, AIR HUMIDITY (3 p), Explain the following words. PHOTOSYNTHESIS, WATERPROOF, SHOCKPROOF (3 p), Explain the following words. TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATION, BACTERIAL/FUNGAL INFECTIONS (3 p), Say a sentence with the following words related to your company.  BALANCED,  CO-OPERATIVE, SECURE (3 p), Say a sentence with the following words related to your company.  FOCUSED, DILIGENT, REUSABLE (3 p), SAY a sentence with the following words. NEGOTIATE, PROPOSE, ARRANGE, DISCUSS, PREPARE (5 p), SAY a sentence with the following words. PAYMENT, PROPOSAL, NEGOTIATION, DISCUSSION (4 p), EXPLAIN the following words. ANGEL INVESTOR, BENEFECTOR, STAKEHOLDER (3 p), List 5 things connected to SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT. (5 p).

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