He ____ to me as soon as he got my card. They swore they would never ____ and get married The house they had offered us ____ to be a tiny apartment. Click here to visit the site to ____ for a trial. It's time to ____ ladies, you aren't kids anymore It's been three days! You and Kris couldn't ____ for three days? my parents were really very orthodox they were very strict we could never ____ at all But their plans didn't ____ I was consoling Liz on having ____ with her boyfriend If he decided to ____ to Texas, they would all go together. They ____ to New York to find a new job I ____ the dress for you, just as you asked. She ____ her laptop to see if she could fix it Remember to ____ your shoes before entering the house. I ____ the number of the restaurant in the phone book She bent down to ____ her glove. The correspondence was all ____ in numbered files. I pushed the button to ____ the radio.

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