1) "I can't find my keys" said my mum.  a) My mum said she couldn't find her keys. b) My mum said she can't find her keys. c) My mum said she didn't found her keys. 2) "I haven't read any books yet" said Laura. a) Laura said I haven't read any books yet. b) Laura said she hasn't read any books yet. c) Laura said she hadn't read any books yet. 3) Tom said to John, "Mary is angry with me" a) Tom told John that Mary was angry with him.  b) Tom told John that Mary is angry with him. c) Tom told John that Mary was angry with me. 4) "Why are you moving out?" asked Carla. a) Carla asked Jane why she was moving out. b) Carla asked Jane why she is moving out. c) Carla asked Jane why was she moving out. 5) "Do you eat vegetables?" asked Karen. a) Karen asked Sophie if she eats vegetables. b) Karen asked Sophie if she ate vegetables. c) Karen asked Sophie if did she eat vegetables. 6) "Will you help me, please?" Thomas asked Marcos. a) Thomas asked Marcos if he will help him. b) Thomas asked Marcos helped. c) Thomas asked Marcos if he would help him. 7) "I love him a lot" said Carol. a) Carol said that she loves him a lot. b) Carol said that I love him a lot. c) Carol said that she loved him a lot. 8) "Is your cat lazy?" asked Derek. a) Derek said my cat is so lazy. b) Derek asked Julie if her cat was lazy. c) Derek asked Julie if was my cat lazy. 9) My brother said: "Our dad is working too much lately." a) My brother said his dad was working too much lately" b) My brother said our dad was working too much lately. c) His brother said dad is working too much that lately. 10) Ursula said: "I didn't go to university yesterday." a) Ursula said me she hadn't gone to university the day before. b) Ursula told me she hadn't gone to university the day before. c) Ursula told she hadn't gone to university the day before.

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