1) Which of the following is NOT a Caribbean island? a) Cuba b) St Lucia c) Hawaii 2) Which of the following is a Caribbean musical instrument traditionally made from oil drums? a) bagpipes b) steelpan c) accordion 3) Which of the following is a Caribbean animal? a) polar bear b) toucan c) kangaroo 4) Which of the following is a Caribbean landmark? a) Eiffel Tower b) Statue of Liberty c) Pitons 5) Which Caribbean country is known for its production of sugar cane? a) Barbados b) Grenada c) Bahamas 6) Which of the following countries is not part of the Leeward Islands? a) Dominca b) St. Christopher and Nevis c) Antigua and Barbuda 7) Which of the following is the most important economic activity in the Leeward Islands? a) Tourism b) Manufacturing c) Agriculture 8) Which of the following is the birthplace of reggae music? a) Trinidad and Tobago b) Jamaica c) Grenada 9) Which Caribbean island is known for its national dish, flying fish and cou-cou? a) Barbados b) Bahamas c) British Virgin Islands 10) Which of the following flags does not belong to a member of the Windward Islands? a) b) c)

The Caribbean 1


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