How is the weather in desert?, What biome is this?, Name two animals in the desert biome., Name three things you will see in desert., Do many things live in the desert biome?, Is the desert biome hot, cold, humid or temperate., What is endangering the desert biome?, How is the weather in the forest?, What biome is this?, Name two animals in the forest biome., Name three things you will see in the forest biome., Do many things live in the forest biome?, Is the forest biome hot. cold, humid or temperate?, What is endangering the forest biome?, How is the weather in the tundra biome?, What biome is this?, Name two animals in the tundra biome., Name three things you will see in the tundra biome., Do many things live in the tundra biome?, Is the tundra biome hot, cold, humid or temperate?, What is endangering the tundra biome?, How is the weather in the grassland biome?, What biome is this?, Name two animals in the grassland biome., Name three things you will see in the grassland biome., Do many things live in the grassland biome?, Is the grassland biome hot, cold, humid or temperate?, What is endangering the grassland biome?.

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