1) A scammer creates a fake email and sends it to thousands of people, hoping some of them will click on a link and give up their personal information. What is this type of attack called? 2) What is the method of access control by which users must present multiple, separate pieces of identification, such as a password and keycard, in order to access a system? 3) What is the term for harmful software that seeks to damage or exploit the machines that run it? 4) You post a picture of you and your best friend to your favorite social media platform. She doesn’t feel comfortable with the image, so you agree to take it down. Will this ensure that no one else sees the picture? 5) You receive an email from an online shopping site claiming that you were incorrectly charged for your last purchase and are due a refund. The email asks you to click a link where you will submit the necessary information. What should you do? 6) You’ve just settled into your new hotel room when you realize you need to transfer some funds from your savings account to your checking account. In order to do this, you will need to connect your laptop to the hotel’s public Wi-Fi and log in to your online bank. Should you risk it? 7) True of False: Hackers require users to carry out complex instructions in order to carry out attacks. (h) 8) You bring your laptop to a local restaurant. Without your knowledge, the customer at the table behind you watches you log in to your email, thereby learning your username and password. What is this type of attack called? 9) You have a long commute. Thankfully, your train just installed public Wi-Fi. Now you can listen to your favorite music or podcast. However, when you check for social media updates around lunch, you find that your account has been hacked. What steps could you take to prevent your mobile device or laptop data from being compromised in the future? 10) Passwords often have complex requirements, and most online citizens will need to remember numerous different passwords to access their internet services. What is a way to help you keep track of all these different passwords? 11) True or False: Passwords should contain a mixture of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. 12) True or false: Although they operate similarly to computers, most mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) are not full computers and do not require software, such as anti-virus, to be secure. 13) What is the term for harmful software that seeks to damage or exploit the machines that run it? 14) An attacker goes to a local coffee shop and creates a wireless network using the shop’s name, hoping unsuspecting customers will log on. What is this type of attack called? 15) Which United States federal agency has been tasked with improving national cybersecurity and protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure? 16) True or False Passwords should have personal meaning to you (e.g. a relative’s birthday) so that you can remember them more easily.

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