1) What is the main topic of the poem "King of the Solar System"? a) The Earth's rotation b) The Sun's characteristics c)  The planets in our solar system d) The importance of energy 2) What literary device is used in the line "You look so light, You look so bright!"? a) Simile b) Metaphor c) Alliteration d) Hyperbole  3) Which of the following words has a rhyme with "power" in the poem? a) Matter b) Call  c)  Ball d) New 4) In the line, "You rotate around us? Or we rotate around you?" What is the author questioning? a) The Sun's size b) The Earth's orbit c) The solar system's stability d) The Sun's color 5) What is the purpose of the phrase "you are our mother we can call" in the poem? a) To describe the Sun's shape b) To emphasize the Sun's importance c) To question the Sun's position d) To create humor in the poem 6) Which of the following forms of poetry does this poem represent? a) Haiku b) Limerick  c) Sonnet  d) Free verse 7) How does the poem create a sense of rhythm? a) Through the use of rhyme and meter b) By using short, choppy sentences c) Through long, descriptive paragraphs d) By repeating the same word 8) What is the structure of the poem? a) Four-line stanzas with a regular rhyme scheme b) Three-line stanzas with a fixed syllable count c) No specific structure, free-form d) Sonnet with a rhyme schemeSonnet with a rhyme scheme 9) What message does the poem convey about the Sun? a) It is a cold, distant object b) It is unimportant in our lives c) It is essential for life on Earth d) It is a small part of the universeIt is a small part of the universe 10) In the poem, which direction does the Sun's movement not matter? a) North to South  b) West to East  c) East to West d) South to North

English Poetry


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