1) Are you an ethical person? Why do you think so? 2) Do you have any friends who often lie? If yes, what do they lie about? 3) Are white lies okay? Why/not? 4) What is the difference between a lie and an exaggeration? 5) When is lying a good thing? Why do you think so? 6) Who lies more, men or women? Why do you think so? 7) Which nationality do you think lies the most? Why do you think so? 8) How often do you lie? Do you think that this is too much? 9) Have you told a lie this week? How about this month? If yes, when, where, and why did you lie? Please explain. 10) What qualities do you think an ethical person has? Why do you think so? 11) Do you trust people easily? Why/not? 12) What would you do if you saw a classmate cheating on a test? What if he were a friend? What if he were someone you didn't like? 13) What would you do if you saw someone shoplifting? What if he were a friend? What if he were a family member? 14) What would you do if you found a $100 bill lying in the street? What if that $100 were in a wallet? Please explain. 15) According to the video, is it easy to buy food ethically? Why or why not? 16) Is it easy to live ethically? Why (not)?

business ethics discussion


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