citizen - member of a community, community - a place where people live, work, and play, consequence - a good or bad result of an action, law - important rule carried out by the government, rule - expectation of what people should and should not do, responsibility - a duty or task you are required or expected to do, self-discipline - being able to control your actions, decision - a choice, voting - how we decide who is in our government, a way to participate in government, diverse - different, united - joined together, common principles - beliefs we share as Americans like freedom of speech, basic rights - every citizen is entitled to them no matter what they look like; life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, democracy - a form of government, elect - to choose a leader by voting, government - a group of elected people who make decisions for citizens, volunteer - a person working for others and helping the communitywho is not getting paid, military - armed forces that protect our country's land, freedom, and rights,

Pemberton-Civics, Citizenship, and Diversity


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