danah is also studying people's visibility ____ the web and what their digital footprints look like. She asked teenagers questions about their privacy settings on social network sites and how they felt about being tagged in ____ people's photos. danah discovered that many were becoming aware ____ their online visibility. One girl talked about a situation where her mother became her friend on a social network and discovered that her daughter hadn't been doing her homework ____ her friend's house the previous Saturday as she thought. She ____ been at a party instead, and the photos were there for the world to see! danah's research shows that young people usually use the online environment to interact with friends they already have. She considers hanging ____ online to be a valuable activity and a place to learn life skills. ____ teenagers told her that they would prefer to spend time with their friends in real situations, but there are several reasons why online socialising is ____ popular. Many students have such busy schedules with school and ____ activities that they have very little free time to spend with their friends. Sometimes their parents don't allow them to hang out with their friends ____ the evenings or ____ weekends as they worry about their safety. A third factor is that many people live ____ far away from their friends to be able to physically meet ____ frequently. Socialising online is one way to get around all of ____ problems.

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