Annuals - plants that go through their entire lifecycle in 1 growing season (they last only 1 year), Hardy annual - a plant that lives for 1 year (completes its life cycle in 1 year), that is sown outside in March and can survive/withstand frost and temperatures below -5 degC., Half-hardy annual - a plant that lives for 1 year (completes its life cycle in 1 year) and can only survive in temperatures down to -5 degC under protection from frost., Biennial - a plants whose lifecycle spans 2 years, so it flowers and produces seeds in their second year., Perennials - a plant that can survive frost and live for more than 2 years, Tender perennials - a plant that lives more than 2 years but cannot survive temperatures below 1degC and cannot survive frost., Woody perennials - a plant that maintains live woody stem grow at the end of the growing season., Herbaceous perennial - a non-woody plant that dies back to a rootstock each autumn and regrows in the following spring., Ephemeral - a plant that has several life cycles in a growing season and can increase in numbers rapidly.,

Gardening definitions


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