1) Who was expelled from Hogwarts in third grade a) Harry Potter b) Rebeus Hagrid c) Ron Weasley 2) Who keeps wand parts in a pink umbrella? a) Harry Potter b) Ron Weasley c) Rebeus Hagrid 3) Who are Harry Potter’s best friends? a) Ron Wasley and little Ginny b) Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley c) Hermione Granger and Charlie 4) What does Ron Weasley hate? a) Spiders b) Some Slyhterins c) Hermione Granger 5) Ron Weasley loves: a) Spiders b) Chess c) Quidditch 6) Harry Potter’s parents were killed by: a) Albus Dumbledoor b) Lord Voldemort c) His Cousin 7) Why did Harry always wear round glasses taped to his face? a) Because his uncle always punched him in the nose  b) Because his aunt always punched him in the nose c) Because Dudley always punched him in the nose 8) What shape is Harry’s scar? a) lightning bolt b) star c) a line 9) Where’s is Harry’s scar located? a) On his chin b) On his eyebrow c) Underneath his eye d) On his forehead 10) Who wrote all of the Harry Potter books? a) K.J. Rowling b) Joanne Kathleen Rowling c) Jane Katlying Rowling d) J.K. Rowling

Harry potter and the Chamber of Secrets


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