1) “Were you?” I was surprised since Ted was the __________________ and tolerant person I’d ever met. PATIENT 2) It was going to be __________________ than staying with a host family as the hostel was very close to the college. CONVENIENT 3) I was sitting in an arm-chair and watching my sister Alison. She was getting ready for a party. Alison was 15 years __________________ than me and she always treated me like a child. OLD 4) Annie laughed aloud. “I’ve never got a present __________________ than this. Ok, let’s test your lamp.” ORIGINAL 5) I quickly looked over at my __________________ brother, Paul. YOUNG 6) She reached for the phone and dialed the number of the __________________ photography agency in the town. LARGE 7) He said they were the__________________ natural sights he had ever seen. WONDERFUL 8) When the teacher handed out the tests, Bella felt even __________________ than she had felt before. BAD 9) The senior students will be teaching us today. They are only two or three years __________________ than us. How can they possibly teach us?” OLD 10) It was the middle of November and Tina felt down and depressed. Late autumn was the __________________ season of the year. BAD 11) “They are the __________________ animals I’ve ever seen” said Wendy in an impressed voice. LARGE 12) Susan’s father often had to go to different countries on business. That evening, he came home __________________ than usual. LATE 13) The place was much __________________ than a zoo, but clean and well kept. There were volunteers in special uniforms. One of them showed Tim and his mum round the shelter. SMALL 14) The weather was getting __________________ every hour. BAD 15) The second fish was __________________ than the first one and soon Dad caught a few more. BIG 16) “You can take mine if you want,” said Cathy. I thanked her but her socks were two sizes ________________ than I needed! SMALL 17) Emma had moved to the city because of her job. Only two months before she had thought she was the __________________ girl in the world. LUCKY 18) For Veronica, pumpkin pies were the __________________, especially when her mother cooked them. GOOD 19) It was actually the __________________ job he had ever had. GOOD 20) I grew older but the situation didn’t get any __________________. GOOD

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