1) What is the function of the insisor teeth? a) To tear and rip food b) To crush and grind food c) To bite and chop food into smaller lumps 2) What is the function of the canine teeth? a) To tear and rip food b) To crush and grind food c) To bite and chop food into smaller lumps 3) What is the function of molars and pre-molars? a) To tear and rip food b) To crush and grind food c) To bite and chop food into smaller lumps 4) What shape are insisors a) Shovel/chisel like with sharp flat ends b) Sharp and pointy c) Flat and ridged 5) What shape are molars and pre-molars a) Shovel/chisel like with sharp flat ends b) Sharp and pointy c) Flat and ridged 6) What shape are canines a) Shovel/chisel like with sharp flat ends b) Sharp and pointy c) Flat and ridged 7) How many teeth does a typical child have by the age of 2 1/2 a) 16 b) 20 c) 24 8) How many teeth does a typical young teenager have? a) 20 b) 24 c) 28 9) How many permanent teeth does a typical adult have? a) 32 b) 34 c) 36 10) How many insisors does a young child have? a) 2 b) 4 c) 8 11) How many molars does an adult have including wisdom teeth? a) 16 b) 18 c) 20 12) When do wisdom teeth typically start comng through a) 12 - 13 b) 17 - 21 c) 21 - 24

Teeth Year 4 Science


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