To escape religous persecution - Why did the Puritans leave England?, Because Roger Williams did not agree to the things that the Puritan settlers did to the Native Americans - Why was Rhode Island founded?, Rhode Island - Which settlement is open and tolerant to all people and all religion?, They are well- educated and were richer than the settlers of Jamestown - In what ways were New England settlers different from the settlers of Jamestown?, Because this was the reason why they left England in the first place - Why was religious tolerance an important issue for the early settlers?, Roger Williams - Who is the founder of Rhode Island? , Baptist - What was the religion in Rhode Island?, Anne Hutchinson - Who is the founder of New Hampshire?, Quaker (Religion) - What was the religion in New Hampshire?, Thomas Hooker - Who is the founder of Connecticut?, Conservative Puritanism - What type of Puritanism is practiced in Connecticut, Pilgrims - Separatist group that traveled to America to gain religious freedom, Mayflower Compact - document that helped establish the practice of self-government, Puritans - English dissenters who wanted to reform the Church of England, Great Migration - the movement of tens of thousands of English settlers to New England during the 1630s, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut - document that has been called the first written constitution in America, Quakers (people) - group of Protestant dissenters, dissenter - person who disagrees with an official church, persecute - to mistreat tolerance acceptance of different opinions, congregation - group of people who belong to the same church,

New England Colonies


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