1450 - Height of the Italian Renaissance & invention of the printing press, 1517 - Martin Luther posts the 95 Thesis , 1555 - Peace of Augsburg- Charles V allows them to pick Catholic or Lutheran , 1588 - Spanish Armada invasion- English defeated Spanish , 1603 - Death of Elizabeth I- Change from Tudor to Stuart Monarchy , 1648 - Peace of Westphalia- ends the 30 Years War , 1687 - Isaac Newton writes Principa Mathematica , 1688 - Glorious Revolution- bloodless transition of power from James II to William & Mary , 1715 - Death of Louis XIV (longest reigning monarch 72 years) , 1759 - Voltaire write Candide (enlightenment) , 1789 - Start of French Revolution , 1815 - Congress of Vienna, 1848 - Years of revolutions/Karl Marx Manifesto , 1871 - German Unification , 1884-85 - Berlin Confernce , 1914-1918 - WWI, 1939-1945 - WWII, 1968 - Prague Spring/Student Uprisings in Paris , 1989 - Fall of the Berlin Wall, 1991 - Collapse of the Soviet Union ,



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