1) Using radiometric dating, the age of Earth has been established as about _____. a) 4 million years old b) 4.6 billion years old c) 4000 years old d) 13-15 billion years old 2) Which of the following is used as evidence to construct the geologic time scale? a) fossils b) comparative studies of different rock sequences c) radiometric age data d) all of the above 3) Which of the following is NOT a division of geologic time? a) periods b) eons c) generations d) epochs 4) Which series shows the divisions of geologic time arranged in order, from longest to shortest? a) eon > era > period > epoch b) era > eon > epoch > period c) era > eon > period > epoch d) eon > era > epoch > period 5) A student states that the divisions of geologic time are defined by specific amounts of time, so each eon represents the same amount of time, each era represents the same amount of time, etc. What is wrong with this statement? a) The divisions of geologic time are separated by significant events in Earth's history, rather than set periods of time. b) Eons vary in length depending on the events that separate them; however, they are divided into smaller divisions of time that each represent the same length of time. c) Each eon represents the same amount of time; however, they are separated into smaller divisions of time that vary in length depending on the events that separate them. d) Nothing, this statement is correct. 6) What does the geologic time scale explain? a) differences in the Earth's layers b) changes in weather and climate c) developments and extinctions of plant and animal life d) that fossils provide evidence of stable environmental conditions 7) Which abbreviation means billions of years? a) Ga (Giga annum) b) Ma (Mega annum) c) Ka (Kilo annum)

Geologic Time Scale


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