1) The roller coaster is a hair-raising ride for all the family. a) dangerous b) spectacular c) terrifying and exciting d) interesting 2) Frank had been a law-abiding citizen all his life until he decided to avoid his taxes. a) stressful b) frightened c) legal d) non-criminal 3) The decisions we make today will have far-reaching consequences for all of us. a) important for many people b) deep c) great d) amazing 4) The job interview was a nerve-racking experience but I made it to the end somehow a) challenging b) promising c) stressful d) depressing 5) I feel like I'm fighting a never-ending battle with the weeds in my garden. a) important b) depressing c) exciting d) eternal 6) The audience gasped as the acrobat performed death-defying stunts. a) non-criminal b) stressful c) dangerous d) spectacular 7) Writing reports is soul-destroying work, but it's got to be done. a) depressing b) exciting c) stressful d) terrifying 8) The views from the mountaintop were absolutely breath-taking. a) terrifying b) spectacular c) eternal d) important



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