1) Group challenge charades- Mute yourself and open the link you will get from your group leader you have one minute to act out in front of the camera as many words for the team to guess (one of you should write down the amount of words and start the timer) 2) You won 10 M $ what are the first 3 things you will do with it? 3) What’s the bravest thing you have ever done? 4) Who would you like to switch places with for a day? Why? 5) What is the worst gift you have ever received? 6) What is your proudest accomplishment? 7) One of your teammates received a phrase, he/she will mute their Zoom and act it out for you, try to guess it! 8) Tell us your best joke 9) You won a box of chocolate 10) What is your favorite hobby? 11) A genie grants you three wishes but none of them can directly benefit you. What would those wishes be? 12) What is your favorite smell and why? 13) Who is your hero, and why? 14) If you could choose an age to remain forever, which age would you choose? 15) Who was your favorite teacher in school and how did he or she impact you? 16) What was the best thing that happened to you this weekend? This month? This year? 17) There are now 25 hours in a day! How do you spend your extra hour? 18) What did you get into the most trouble for with your parents as a kid? 19) What “old person” things do you do? 20) You won 20 nis to use on Cibus 21) You won a box of chocolate 22) You won a bottle of wine 23) you won a cup of coffee made by Guy 24) Tell us the strangest or most surprising thing that ever happened to you 25) Group challenge-Set a timer to 50 seconds, gather as many items from the list, each team member should bring at least one item. Take a screen shot with all of you holding your items, the group that will collect the most items will win this activity 26) Group challenge- Start your timer and without planning the team must count to ten, but if any players say a number simultaneously you must start over at one. Write down your time 27) What would your superpower be and why? 28) you won a cup of coffee made by Joel 29) you won 20 nis to use on Cibus 30) What is the strangest tradition/costume in your family? 31) One of your teammates received a message with a name of a character ask him 20 questions to find out who that character is

Consultants And Strategists Morning Of Fun!


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