1) The ________ grazed in the pasture with her lamb by her side. a) you b) yew c) ewe 2) _________ is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. a) way b) whey c) weigh 3) The nurse carefully inserted the needle into the ___________ to draw blood for the test. a) vein b) vain c) vane 4) It's ________ hot to play outside in the sun without sunscreen. a) two b) to c) too 5) The ________ hopped across the garden in search of a shady spot. a) toed b) towed c) toad 6) He swung his golf club and hit the ball off the _______. a) tee b) tea c) ti 7) We _________ at the beach until the sun began to set. a) staid b) stade c) stayed 8) She learned to ________ by hand and made a beautiful dress. a) sow b) sew c) so 9) There were a _________ of new books at the library for us to borrow. a) slew b) slough c) slue 10) She counted her coins and found she had exactly fifty __________ . a) sense b) cents c) scents

Homophones 4


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