What do you enjoy most about studying English?, What's the most exciting thing that has ever happened to you? , What's your opinion of computer games? , What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?, Who was your best friend when you were at school ? , How did you spend your last holiday? , What do you do to relax? , What are your plans for your career? , What have you achieved that you feel particularly proud of ?, What new law would you like to be introduced? , Do you think Moscow is a good place for young people to grow up? , How do you think your life might change over the next five years?, What kind of films do you enjoy?, Tell me about something surprising that has happened to you., How good is the place where you live for someone of your generation?, How do you think the place where you Iive will change over the next few years?, How important is reading in your Iife?, Tell us about a film that you have recently seen., Where would you go if you had a month's holiday and a lot of money?, Where are you from?, What do you do there/here?.

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