1) Mark is ... cousin.  a) their b) theirs 2) 2. This is our car. It is ... .  a) our b) ours 3) 3. These are Mary's books. They are ... . a) her b) hers 4) 4. White is ... favourite colour.  a) my b) mine 5) 5. You can't have this book. It is not ... .  a) your b) yours 6) 6. ... house is big. a) Her b) Hers 7) 7. Is this ... coat? - No, it is not ... .  a) your, mine b) yours, my 8) 8. Are these your friends' books? - Yes, they are ... .  a) their b) theirs 9) 9. That is ... house. a) our b) ours

Possessive adjectives vs possessive pronouns


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