1) sub judice a) a type of juice b) being decided by a judge in a court of law c) being happy d) negative temperatures 2) whisper a) a whistling sound b) talk secretly c) to do with whitsun d) something little 3) retriever a) a kind of cat that has stripes b) a kind of dog that's trained to bring things back c) a police officer who finds stolen things d) loud speakers 4) actor a) a person who acts a part in a play or film b) a person who works in the theatre and directs plays c) a person dressed up in a costume d) a person who writes plays 5) painstaking a) painful b) a young goat c) very careful and thorough d) a type of medicine that makes your headache go away 6) lover a) something you love b) someone you don't like c) a place below something else d) someone who loves something or someone 7) hideous a) someone who is good at hiding when playing hide-and-seek b) very ugly or unpleasant c) a place to hide d) the person who finds people when playing hide-and-seek 8) mackintosh a) a rain coat b) a ruler that is very long c) a watch d) a computer 9) Geiger counter a) an office in a government building b) a list of difficult words c) an instrument that detects and measures eathquakes d) a calculator used in Maths

Year 6 Dictionary skills



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