1) Where did Garret Morgan live? a) Cleveland, Ohio b) Roanoke, Virginia c) Paris, France 2) Garret Morgan saw a car hit a _____. a) building b) person c) horse and buggie 3) Were the streets safe in Garret Morgan's time? a) yes b) no 4) What type of problem did Garret Morgan solve? a) traffic problems b) education problems c) horse and buggie problems 5) What did Garret Morgan invent? a) stop signs b) traffic signal c) better brakes for cars 6) The first traffic signal he invented had... a) arms that went up and down b) flashing red and green lights c) loud sounds 7) Where were traffic signals put up? a) on buildings b) the middle of the street c) street corners 8) What else did Morgan invent? a) a new type of car b) a mask to help firefighters breathe c) police sirens 9) What does busy mean? a) full of activity b) boring c) hard 10) What is a problem? a) full of activity b) the movement of people c) something hard to solve 11) What does traffic mean? a) the movement of people or things on a street b) the movement of cars c) when it takes too long to get home


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