1) turns like a top a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 2) an imaginary line that the Earth rotates around it a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 3) the path that an object takes around another object in space . a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 4) a force that pulls objects toward each other. a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 5) a group of stars that seems to form a picture in the night sky. a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 6) Earth rotates around an imaginary line, called an .................  a) rotates b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 7) Earth's …................... causes day and night. a) rotation b) axis c) orbit d) gravity e) constellation 8) Earth rotates around its axis, once every ….. hours. a) 12 b) 24 c) 16 9) The side of the Earth that faces the sun has …… a) nighttime b) daytime 10) Earth travels around the sun once every …….. days . a) 360 b) 365 c) 300 11) .......... has rocky surface with large oceans and thick atmosphere of nitrogen and oxygen. a) Earth b) Moon c) Sun 12) The planets revolve around the sun in …….…………….. a) orbits b) axis c) straight line 13) The seasons are caused by ……………………… a) rotation of the Earth around its axis. b) revolution of the Earth around the sun. c) tilting of Earth’s axis 14) When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun, that part of Earth has …………………... a) winter b) spring c) summer 15) When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun, that part of Earth has …………………... a) winter  b) fall c) summer 16) It takes about a ……………………….…. for the moon to complete one rotation around the Earth. a) day b) month c) year 17) Which force holds the moon in orbit around Earth? a) gravity b) push c) weight 18) The ……………………… is made up of hot, glowing gases; mostly hydrogen and helium. a) Sun b) Moon c) Earth 19) ………………………….. is a group of stars that seems to form a picture in the night sky. a) solar system b) constellation c) hemisphere 20) The movement of Earth around the Sun is called ………………. a) rotation   b) revolution c) constellation 21) The path that Earth takes around the Sun is called an …………… a) axis b) orbit c) equator 22) The Big Dipper and Orion are star patterns, or ………………………. a) constellations b) asteroids c) phases 23) The tilt of Earth’s axis and its orbit around the sun cause ……... a) day and night  b) the seasons c) moon phases 24) Earth rotates around its axis once every 36 hours. a) True b) False 25) Earth’s rotation around its axis causes the four seasons. a) True b) False 26) Earth's rotation causes summer and winter. a) True b) False 27) When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the sun,  that part of Earth has winter. a) True b) False 28) Each planet rotates at a different rate. a) True b) False 29) Earth revolves around the sun once every 365 days. a) True b) False 30) Earth’s revolution around the sun causes the day and night. a) True b) False

Science grade 4 Unit: 6, Lesson: 1 How Do the Sun, Earth, and Moon Interact?


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