1) I would ... to think about it now. a) prefer not b) rather not c) not prefer d) not rather 2) Nika would ... to go to the office on foot. a) prefer b) rather 3) Would you ... to do it alone or with my help? a) prefer b) rather 4) I ... to stay in bed all evening. a) would prefer b) would rather 5) Hamilton ... to talk about the accident. a) would prefer not b) would rather not c) would not prefer d) would not rather 6) I ... see them so often. a) would prefer not b) would rather not c) would not prefer d) would not rather 7) Lilly ... take a taxi instead of walking such a long distance. a) would prefer b) would rather 8) ... you ... watch a comedy or an action movie? a) would prefer b) would rather 9) Peter would ... have a cup of hot tea. a) prefer b) rather 10) I would ... stay in a hotel somewhere near the beach. a) prefer b) rather 11) I would ... to go home now. a) rather b) prefer 12) I would ... to go home now. a) rather not b) prefer not c) not rather d) not prefer 13) She would ... to stay in a hotel. a) rather not b) prefer not c) not rather d) not prefer 14) She would ... to eat in a restaurant. a) rather not b) prefer not c) not rather d) not prefer 15) Would you ... to have a dog or a cat? a) rather b) prefer

Would Rather v. Would Prefer


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