1) I.............Sam this afternoon after school if he's free a) 'm going to see b) 'm going see c) 'm seeing 2) We...........a barbecue next weekend.Ann.............. a) will have/comes b) are having/comes c) are having/is coming 3) Alan wants to keep fit. He...................jogging three times a week a) is b) will c) is going to go 4) (At a meeting) It's one o'clock. We.............for lunch now a) do stop b) are stopping c) will stop 5) .............................for the job she saw in The Guardian? a) is Anita going to apply b) will Anita apply c) is Anita applying 6) Rovers..................in a match against Sutherland on Saturday a) will play b) is playing c) plays 7) I.......those shoes. I don't really need them a) don't buy b) am not going to buy c) will not buy 8) We need some milk but I can't go out right now. I.......Daniel to go a) am asking b) ask c) will ask 9) I can't fined my bag. Perhaps it's in the car. I.....and look a) will go b) go c) am going 10) Mike .....at four. I have to meet him at the station a) comes b) is coming c) will come 11) Gill.....doing some physical exercise regularly. a) starts b) is going to start c) will start 12) I'm hungry but it's early for lunch. I.......a biscuit a) will have b) have c) am going to have 13) I can't come tonight. I.....out with some friends a) will go b) am going c) go 14) Helen and Andy......a dog but they can't agree on the breed a) are getting b) will get c) are going to get 15) I.....my new car on Friday. I ordered it two months ago a) 'm getting b) 'm going to get c) will get 16) Look at the sun: it.....a beautiful day tomorrow a) will be b) is c) is going to be 17) It's already nine and Carl isn't here yet. He.....on time a) will not arrive b) is not going to arrive c) arrives 18) Experts say that by 2040 many species.......extinct a) are going to be b) will be c) are 19) The coach is sure we.....the championship this year but it's too early to say that a) will win b) are going to win c) are winning 20) Look! They're closing the doors. We......the train! a) will miss b) are going to miss c) are missing



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