thought - I always ______________ dancing won't be my hobby. , bookshelves - When you are in a library you can see a lot of ______________, leather - I like wearing ______________ shoes. , towards - What is your attitude ______________ modern art?, invariably - I ______________ have to pass my exams. , hoping - He asked her out ______________ to hear "yes". , treasures - Some pirates try to find ______________ in the seas. , owns - My dad ______________ a dancing club. , collector - A ______________ has a lot of different books in different covers. , passion - Dancing is my ______________. , carry - I need to ______________ a lot of books to school every day. , decent amount - If you want to be a successful student you need to have a ______________ of marks. , realize - I ______________ now how difficult is to study a foreign language. , fault - It's not my ______________ that you have failed the exam. , blaming - Stop ______________ him, he is not guilty. ,

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