1) What does this idiom mean "Under the weather." a) Bring your Umbrella b) Not feeling well c) Heavy rain ongoing 2) What does this idiom mean "Through thick and thin." a) To be loyal no matter what b) A needle has many uses c) The struggle is part of life 3) What does this idiom mean "Once in a blue moon." a) Everyday occurrence b) Every month-end c) Something happening rarely 4) What does this idiom mean? "Take it with a pinch of salt." a) Consume food with caution b) Sugar is not better c) Don’t take it too seriously 5) What does this idiom mean "Go down in flames." a) Flames hurt you b) Make a grand entrance c) To fail spectacularly 6) What does this idiom mean "See eye to eye." a) Be honest b) To agree completely c) Stand straight 7) What does this idiom mean "Jump on the bandwagon." a) Jump high b) Follow a trend c) Drive safe 8) What does this idiom mean "Beat around the bush." a) Avoid saying something b) Use a stick to clear grass c) Do not destroy plants 9) What does this idiom mean "Hit the sack." a) Go to sleep b) Work hard c) Save Money 10) What does this idiom mean "By the skin of your teeth." a) Hygiene is important b) Just barely c) Visit the dentist regularly

Idioms (Part-02) by esc24x7.com


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