1) σβήνω με τη γόμα a) I write in the notebook b) I read the book c) I erase with the eraser 2) γράφω στο τετράδιο a) I open the book b) I read the book c) I write in the notebook 3) η δασκάλα a) teacher (female) b) teacher (male) c) principal (female) 4) βάζω τα βιβλία μου στην τσάντα a) I erase with the eraser b) I put my books in my bag c) I copy from the book 5) διαβάζω το βιβλίο a) I copy from the book b) I read the book c) I open the book 6) ζωγραφίζω στο μπλοκ ζωγραφικής a) I draw in the sketchbook b) I open the book c) I copy from the book 7) ο δάσκαλος a) P.E. teacher (male) b) teacher (male) c) teacher (female) 8) ο συμμαθητής a) teacher (female) b) classmate (male) c) classmate (female) 9) πηγαίνω στην σελίδα 21 a) I sharpen my pencil b) I open the book c) I go to page 21 10) η συμμαθήτρια a) classmate (female) b) classmate (male) c) teacher (female) 11) ανοίγω το βιβλίο a) I open the book b) I read the book c) I sharpen my pencil 12) ξύνω το μολύβι μου a) I open the book b) I read the book c) I sharpen my pencil 13) αντιγράφω από το βιβλίο a) I copy from the book b) I open the book c) I read the book 14) ψάχνω στο λεξικό a) I look it up in the dictionary b) I open the book c) I go to page 21 15) ο γυμναστής a) teacher (male) b) Principal (male) c) P.E. teacher (male) 16) η διευθύντρια a) P.E. teacher (female) b) Principal (female) c) High school teacher/professor (female) 17) η γυμνάστρια a) P.E. teacher (female) b) P.E. teacher (male) c) High school teacher/professor (female) 18) ο διευθυντής a) teacher (male) b) High school teacher/professor (male) c) Principal (male) 19) ο καθηγητής a) High school teacher/professor (male) b) Principal (male) c) teacher (male) 20) η καθηγήτρια a) Principal (female) b) High school teacher/professor (female) c) teacher (female)


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