1) I'm feeling sick. a) You should play outside. b) You should not go to the doctor. c) You should go to the doctor. 2) Where should we go next? a) We should go to the beach. b) We should went to beach. c) We should to go to the beach. 3) I feel full. a) You shouldn't stop eating. b) You should try a hot dog. c) You shouldn't eat so much. 4) She wants to learn English. a) She should start her classes. b) She should to start her classes. c) She shouldn't do anything.  5) Should we ___ for them? a) waited b) waiting c) wait 6) It is very expensive. Should I buy this? a) You shouldn't buy it. b) You shouldn't bought it. c) You shouldn't buying it. 7) You should ___ care of your siblings. a) took b) take c) taking 8) Should I ___ horror movies? a) watched b) watching c) watch 9) You should ___ smoking. a) to stop b) stop c) not 10) People should ___ that the world has changed. a) understanding b) to understand c) understand 11) Motorcyclist ___ wear a helmet. a) shoulds b) should c) should to 12) Roads are icy. You ..... be careful. a) should b) should not 13) You ..... study late the night before exams. a) should b) shouldn't 14) You ..... always tell the truth. a) shouldn't b) should 15) Students ..... make noise in the class. a) shouldn't b) should

Uses of Should by esc24x7.com (Vikram- 8901540861)


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