1) The ... today is the 12th of November. a) sum b) date c) geography 2) What is the ... to this question? a) history b) bookcase c) answer 3) What's the .... of 9 and 14? a) sum b) playground c) calculator 4) In some schools they also wear a ... . a) uniform b) library c) art 5) They do subjects like Japanese, ... , history and English. a) cafeteria b) maths c) calculator 6) Some pupils carry food to the classroom from the ... . a) cafeteria  b) playground c) library 7) They can choose a sports team, a musical club, an art club, or a ... club. a) science b) classmates c) date 8) They can choose a sports team, a musical club, an ... club, or a science club. a) bookcase b) art c) cafeteria

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