1) ___ desk near the window. a) There is b) There are c) There is a 2) ___ some chairs in the room. a) There is a b) There is c) There are d) There aren't 3) ___ any tables in the classroom. a) There are b) There aren't c) There is d) There isn't 4) ___ window in the room? a) Is there b) Is there a c) Are there d) Are there any 5) ___windows in the room? a) Are there any b) Are there  c) Is there any d) Is there a 6) ---carpet on the floor? a) Are there b) Is there c) Is there a d) Are there any 7) ___ wardrobe in your bedroom? a) Are there  b) Are there any c) Is there d) Is there a 8) ___ cupboards in our living room. a) There isn't any b) There aren't c) There aren't any d) There isn't a 9) ___ bath in the bathroom. a) There is a b) There is some c) There are some d) There aren't any 10) ___ bedrooms upstairs. a) There are some b) There are any c) There is some d) There isn't any 11) ___ bedrooms downstairs. a) There isn't any b) There aren't any c) There are a d) There is some 12) ___ kitchen upstairs? a) Is there a b) Is there any c) Is there some d) Is there 13) ___ carpet on the floor in your bedroom? a) Is there some b) Is there any c) Is there d) Is there a 14) ___ carpets on the floor in your bedroom? a) Are there some b) Are there a c) Is there any d) Are there any 15) There is ____ in my kitchen. a) any tables b) a table c) some tables d) a tables 16) There isn't ___in my kitchen. a) some table b) table c) any table d) a table 17) There aren't ___ in my kitchen. a) any tables b) any table c) some tables d) a table

There is/are (4 form 6 unit)


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