1) __________ not ready for more responsibilities. a) There b) Their c) They're 2) Recently, __________ watching a lot of series of netflix. a) I had been b) I have been c) I'd been 3) I went to the city ____ bus ____ Tuesday. a) in the...on b) on the...in c) by...on 4) Spinach ____________________ very good for your health a) is said to be b) is said c) are really 5) Celine wants to make it on the cheerleading team at the tryout. Select the word that may be a synonym. a) Test b) Event c) Audition 6) I wish I ______ not fat. a) was b) were c) am 7) People that are dead weight to the company are usually fired. This term means... a) Negative b) counter-productive c) Rude and irresponsible 8) Bad attitude can trigger a lot of problems at work. What does trigger mean? a) causar b) influenciar c) desencadenar 9) John is so slow and he can never catch the drift with any topic. This means... a) John is lazy b) John has a problems understanding c) John has a mental block 10) Whenever all this conflict dies down, I hope we can be amicable again. This expression means... a) terminar b) resolver c) reducir 11) Teenagers can be very fretful during puberty because they have lots of emotions. This word means... a) Miserable b) Annoying c) Rude 12) Harvard only accepts the cream of the crop. This expression means... a) richest people. b) smartest people c) best people. 13) My husband is used to _________ on week nights. a) cooking b) cook c) be cooking 14) Fred used to _________ a lot but now he quit. a) smoking b) be smoking c) smoke 15) Jason loved Annie ___________ the day they met 3 years ago. a) from b) since c) for 16) The cost of the potatoes is $1.25 _______ pound. a) by b) for c) per 17) Can you call me back? I'm _____ the movies right now _____ the north of the city. a) in...at b) at...in c) in...in 18) Let's cut to the chase and avoid all the unnecessary elaboration. This expression means... a) concluir los puntos b) evitar la mayoría de la conversación c) ir al grano 19) How would you describe an adverb? a) A A category of words that represent people. b) A category of words that describe actions. c) A category of words that describe situations. 20) Recycling is a pivotal part of saving the planet. a) Effective b) Efficient c) Essential

Language Trivia - created by Jervan Pravin Rampersad


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