What's your favourite vacation destination?, What's your favorite place you've visited recently?, Do you prefer vacations by the sea or in the mountains?, What do you like to do in your spare time?, What's your favorite film or book?, Do you practice any sports? If so, which one?, What kind of music do you like to listen to?, Do you have an artistic activity that you enjoy?, Do you like visiting museums or exhibitions?, What's your favorite subject at school?, What profession would you like to do in the future?, Have you ever thought about what you would like to do as a job later?, What apps do you often use on your phone?, What is your favorite social network and why?, How do you use the Internet in your daily life?, What is the city that you would like to visit soon?, Do you prefer to travel by train, plane or car?, What is your favorite season to travel and why?, What are your favorite board games?, Do you like to cook? What is your favorite dish to make?, What is your favorite place in your city to relax?, What is your favorite movie?, Do you like going to the theater? What kind of pieces do you prefer?, Who is your favorite artist?, What is your favorite dish?, Do you like sweets? What is your favorite confectionery?, Do you prefer to cook at home or go to a restaurant?, Do you like shopping? What is your favorite store?, What is the thing that you appreciate the most about your city?, What is your favorite animal?, Do you like pets? Do you have a pet?, When was the last time you visited a zoo or an animal park?, How many brothers and sisters do you have?, What is your most striking memory with your family?, Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?, Do you practice a sport regularly?, What is your favorite season and why?, Do you like to spend time outdoors? What is your favorite outdoor activity?, What are you doing to protect the environment?, Do you play a musical instrument?, What is your favorite piece of clothing?, What is your favorite foreign language to learn?, Have you ever traveled to a country where people speak a language that you study?.

Questions on various subjects


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