1) Which is renewable? a) water b) metal c) natural gas 2) Which is not renewable? a) panda b) sunlight c) water bottle 3) What is this made out of? a) animals b) oil c) corn 4) Which is non renewable? a) river b) coal c) sunlight d)   5) What is an example of non renewable? a) pearls b) tigers c) wind 6) Which is renewable? a) coal b) oil c) giraffe 7) Which is non renewable? a) tuna b) turtle c) petrolium 8) What is an example of renewable? a) metal b) plants c) rocks 9) What can be replaced as it is used? a) oil b) sunlight c) coal 10) What can´t be replaced as it ´s used? a) natural gas b) plants c) wind

Natural Resorses- Valeria G and Jackelin A


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