Evidence that supports the collision theory: The moon is less dense than the Earth, Samples of rock from the Moon show that its surface was once molten., The Moon has a small iron core, similar to the Earth, There is evidence outside Solar System of similar collisions causing rings of rocks and dust, The collision theory fits with the theory of how the Solar System was formed., The composition of rocks on the Earth and the Moon are the same., Evidence that contradicts the collision theory: The surface of the Earth does not appear to ever have been molten. A collision that formed the Moon would have caused the surface of the Earth to melt. The surface would have later solidified., Venus has no moon. Collisios in the early years of the Solar System would have been common and scientists would have expected Venus to have moon formed in the same way., The composition of rocks on the moon would be expected to be more similar to rocks on Theia than rocks on Earth. In fact, the composition of the Moon is more similar to Earth.,

Y9 6.3 Collision Theory Card Sort


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