1. It is when it hasn't rained for a really long time, so plants, animals, and people don't have enough water to drink or use. - Drought, 2. It is when a mountain throws up/erupts lava, ash, and gases from deep inside the Earth. - Volcanic eruption, 3. It is when the ground shakes because tectonic plates of the Earth are moving. - Earthquake, 4. It is a huge and powerful wave caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions under the sea, which can travel across oceans and flood the land. - Tsunami, 5. It is a powerful, spinning column of air that stretches from a storm cloud to the ground. - Tornado, 6. It is when there's so much water that it covers land that is usually dry. - Flooding, 7. It is a big, loud storm with lots of lightning, thunder, rain, and sometimes hail. - Thunderstorm, 8. It is a big, uncontrolled fire in the woods that can spread quickly and harm trees, animals, and sometimes even people's homes. - Forest fire, 9. It is a huge slide of snow going down a mountain like a giant, frosty waterfall. - Avalanche, 10. It is a long, super-hot summer day that doesn't want to end, making it extra important to drink lots of water and stay cool. - Heatwave,

Natural Disasters


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