1) Do you have a favourite actor or actress? What is it you like about them? 2) Can you think of 5 things you learned about Shakespeare from the lecture? 3) Have you read any Shakespeare? Was it in English or your own language? Did you like it? 4) Using your lecture notes - what are the two main theatres in Sheffield and what are the differences between the two? 5) Do you know of a famous play or playwright from your country? 6) If you were to write a stage show, what would it be about? 7) Why do you think some politicians / governments might not like theatre shows? 8) If you worked for a theatre company, would you be an actor, director, stage manager, set, lighting or costume designer? 9) What are the differences between watching a film and watching a play live on stage? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? 10) What do you know about the history of theatre in your country? 11) One criticism of the theatre in Britain is that it's for an elite audience and not the masses; some opera and ballet tickets can cost several hundred pounds. Is there a similar perception in your country?

All the World’s a Stage - post-lecture discussions questions


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