How much money did you spend yesterday?, Which is more fun: spending money or saving money? Why?, How can people become rich?, Should children have a weekly ‘allowance’? Why? / Why not? If ‘yes’, how much?, Would you like to work in a bank? Why? / Why not?, Do you have any credit cards? Why? / Why not?, What does the paper money from your country look like? Can you describe it?, Can a person be poor but still be happy?, How do you feel when you have lots of money?, Do you agree or disagree: More money, more problems?, Are you knowledgeable about investing?, How do you usually pay for things? Credit card/cash/mobile pay, etc?, When was the last time you made a big purchase?, Do you think you are a big spender or a penny pincher?, In a marriage, do you think one person should handle the finances or both?, Have you ever regretted making a purchase?.

Finance and Money Speaking


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