1) Do you buy any goods from other countries at the super market? ıf so what goods do you buy? 2) What do you think about vocational highschools? Would you like to be educated there? 3) What do you think about Covid19 virus? Have you had the covid 19 vaccine? 4) Do you think that globalization provides discount for some products ? 5) Do you prefer alternative medicine ? Why or why not? 6) Do you think that globalization has benefit in domestic trade ? 7) Do you think that Turkish education system provides enough internship opportunities ? 8) Which one do you prefer alternative or conventional treatments ? Why? 9) How does globalization affect your country? 10) Does university education affect your social life in a positive way? 11) Do you think conventional medicine is a good idea? 12) Do you think globalization has more advantages or disadvantages? 13) Do you prefer online or face to face education? 14) Do you think vaccines are effective? 15) Do you think online education can improve education system? 16) Is education abroad better than the one in your country? 17) Does globalization help to create successful businesses?

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