1) Can Bears fly? a) Yes, they can. b) No, they can't. 2) Can Kangaroos jump? a) No, they can't. b) Yes, they can. 3) Can Koalas climb? a) Yes, they can. b) No, they can't. 4) Can birds swim? a) No, they can't. b) Yes, they can't. 5) Can Kids 3 speak English? a) Yes, they can. b) No, they can't. 6) Can Gonzalo draw? a) Yes, he can. b) No, he can't. 7) Can you run? a) Yes, I can. b) No, I can't. 8) Can Lucas swim? a) Yes, he can. b) No, he can't. 9) Can penguins jump dance? a) No, they can't. b) Yes, they can.

Expressing ability and inability: Can and Can't


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