1) We use ________ to tell jokes, stories, anecdotes or to comment on sporting event. a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous 2) Let me tell you the story. One day Jack ________ into the room, ________ his sister crying over her toy. He __________ her and... a) comes, sees, hugs b) is coming, is seeing, is hugging 3) We use _______ to talk about annoying habits with a word 'always'. a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous 4) Tom ________ keys! I hate this. a) always leaves b) is always leaving c) always is leaving 5) Look! I'm ______ salsa! a) dancing b) dance c) am dancing d) 'm dancing 6) My sister _____in the pool at the moment. a) is not swimming b) don't swim c) not swimming d) doesn't swim 7) We use _____ to give instructions a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous 8) ________ there! It's dangerous! a) Don't go b) Not go c) Go don't 9) You ___________ your lunch! It's going to be cold. a) aren't eating b) not eating c) don't eating d) don't eat 10) We use _______ to talk about changing situations. a) Present Simple b) Present Continuous 11) Dollar _______. I am sensing a financial crisis. a) growing b) are growing c) grows d) is growing 12) Alice ______ breakfast in the morning. She only drinks tea. a) doesn't have b) hasn't c) isn't having d) isn't have 13) Is Pamela _________ her school uniform? a) wear b) wearing c) wears d) not wear

Present Continuous/Present Simple


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