PARK - An large open area in a town, which usually has a lot of grass and trees, where you can walk, run, play or have a picnic., DRINK - To ingest liquid., GENEROUS - Someone who is happy to share their things and give to others. It’s the opposite of mean., LAZY - It’s the opposite of hard-working, STATION - A place in a city where you can catch a train or a bus., WANT - It’s a verb which refers to when you would like to do or have something., ACTOR - A person who works in the film business or in theater, and who plays a role in a film or a play., CLEAN - Something which has no stains on it; it doesn’t need washing. It’s the opposite of dirty., BANK CARD - It’s a flat, plastic object which is used to pay for things instead of cash., CHURCH - The place where people who believe in God go to attend mass and to pray., SON-IN-LAW - Your child’s husband., SANDWICH - A dish with two slices of bread with a filling in the middle.,



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