real past - 1. If you missed the last lesson, please take a copy of the worksheet we used., real present (0) - 2. If you don't have a worksheet, please take one now., likely future (1) - 3. If you miss the next lesson, you'll probably fail the exam., real past (2) - 4. When I was younger, I used to get stressed if I'd drunk too much coffee., a prediction (we don't usually use 'will' in the if-clause) - 5. I'll drive you to the airport if it'll save you time., a promise (we don't usually use 'will' in the if-clause) - 6. I'll drive you to the airport if you'll fix my computer later., a refusal (we don't usually use 'will' in the if-clause) - 7. If they won't eat vegetables, why not give them vegetable soup?, insistence (we don't usually use 'will' in the if-clause) - 8. If you will tease the cat, don't be surprised if you get scratched., unreal conditionals (unreal present) - 9. If I had more copies, I'd give you one., unreal conditionals (unlikely future) - 10. If I failed the exam, I'd be devastated., unreal conditional for the past - 11. If we had taken the taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane.,

Real conditionals C1


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