1) How much money do you earn a week? 2) Money parents give to their kids is called ... 3) .... ? / I usually spend my money on food. 4) Dani saves $17 reais a week. How much money does she have after a month? 5) If you keep money for future use you - spend money - OR -save money- ? 6) Nelly received an allowance of $65 reais last month. She spent $17 reais. How much money does she have? 7) How much money is in your piggy bank right now? 8) Alex wants to buy a book that costs $100 reais. He receives $20 reais/week. He decided saving all the money he gets. How long will he take to save up? 9) What do you spend most of your money on? 10) If you give money as a payment for something you --spend money-- OR --save money-- ?

Yteen 4 Unit 5 Teaming up 1


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