bang - fireworks exploding , smash - a plate being dropped on the floor, woof - a barking dog, pop - a balloon being burst, crunch - chips being eaten, click - a light being turned on and off, honk - a sound from the car horn, baaa - the sound from a sheep, sizzle - the sound of bacon in the pan, snap - a tree branch breaks, buzz - the sound of bees flying, zap - the sound of an electric shock, tick tock - the sound of the clock, ring - the telephone, splash - jumping into the swimming pool, crackle - the sound of fire burning, meow - a cat saying hello, thud - a heavy object falling on the group, crash - two cars hitting each other, vroom - the sound of an engine revving, roar - the call of a lion, moo - a cow calling to it's calf, ahem - someone clearing their throat, gargle - swishing liquid in your throat, hiccup - an involuntary sound when your diaphragm spasms, cluck - the sound of a chicken, oink - the sound a pig makes, burp - what happens when you eat or drink too fast, achoo - the sound of a sneeze, cough - the sound you make when you are sick,


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