Bill of Rights - the first 10 amendments, 1st Amendment - freedom of speech,religion,press,assembly, 2nd Amendment - bear arms, 3rd Amendment - protection from quartering of troops, 4th Amendment - protection from unreasonable search and seizure, 5th Amendment - "I plead the 5th" right to stay silent , or not double jepordize, 6th Amendment - speedy trial , 7th Amendment - civil trial by jury, 8th Amendment - excessive bail / NO cruel punishment, 9th Amendment - protection for all rights not just bill, 10 Amendment - rights and powers to the state and people, Legislative Branch - makes laws, Executive Branch - carries out the law, Felony - crime punishable by at least 1 year in prison, Tort - civil or personal wrong, Terry v. Ohio - stop & frisk, Carool v US - search vehicle without a warrant on probable cause, Mords Operandi - method of operation, Corpus Delicti - body of crime, Apellate - courts that review lower courts,

Criminal Justice


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