"It was a blessing in disguise." (a good thing that seemed bad at first), "That's easier said than done." (although it sounds like a good idea in theory, it might be difficult to actually do it), "I'm on the fence about this decision." (to be unable to make up your mind or decide), "There is no use crying over spilled milk." (to feel sorry or sad about something that has already happened and cannot be controlled), "The ball is in your court." (it's your decision), "Actions speak louder than words." (believe what people do and not what they say), "We see eye-to-eye." (to agree), "To add insult to injury..." (to make a bad situation worse), "Better late than never." (it's better to arrive late than not to come at all), "I think it's time to call it a day." (stop working on something), "Maybe we should cut her some slack." (to be less critical), "The situation is getting out of hand." (out of control), "Maybe you just need to get it out of your system." (do the thing you've been wanting to do so you can move on), "Maybe we need to give her the benefit of the doubt." (to trust what someone says), "I hope you can pull yourself together." (calm down), "Honestly, this is the last straw." (the last of my patience), "This is the best of both worlds." (an ideal situation), "Time flies when you're having fun!" (you don't notice how long something lasts when it's fun), "To make matters worse..." (to make an existing problem worse), "I can't wrap my head around this." (understand something complicated).

2 Minute Storytime Idioms


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