1) What is copywrite? a) Something that gives the original creator owner of the work b) When you copy someones writing c) Something that allows you to own factual information or data d) Something that allows you to own ideas 2) What is AI a) A tool to do your assignments for you last minute b) Something that repeats something the same time c) Something that cant learn by itself and be coded to learn it d) A tool that can be used to creat digital works, storys and lots of other things 3) What is fair use a) when you take the original item and do nothing to it to gain a profit b) Using an item but not crediting the original creator c) When you take someones original work and add onto it and make it your own unique work d) When you are not crytasizing the work and sole using it for monetary gain 4) When can you use AI in schools a) To create your whole assignment b) To use it to correct your gramar and spelling c) For all of your school work d) To generate images for assignments 5) What is considered fair use a) Using the item or art piece in its original form without crediting the orgiginal creator b) Taking someones work and saying its your own for an easy assignment c) Copying your awnsers off your friends test d) When you credit the original creating and provide feedback and critisizem 6) When is it ethical to use AI a) To check spelling, gramar and create images for free use b) To do an assignment last minute c) To do all your work for your job so you can slack off d) To use it to find websites for refrences so you dont have to look yourself 7) What are the legal aspects and responsible practice for using generative digital content  a) When using it to creat work or art label it as ai made to not trick people b) Cant be copywrited when you use ai to write something that looks simalar to something that is copyrighted c) Claim that you maid it and try getting a copyright d) You can use ai to write a resume and refrences for you 8) What are the legal aspects of sharing digital generative content a) They could share your data and impute with third party sites b) Cant be copy right claimed by the ai content been chared c) Need to credit that you used ai to create the digital content d) Can copy right the ai's digital content that you prompted it to make

Copyright, fair use, ethical use of ai at school


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